The lost Lemuria

The lost continent

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The Story of Atlantis and The Lost Lemuria are two pieces by W. Scott-Elliot, a Theosophist, and an associate of Madame H.P. Blavatsky and Henry Steele Olcott in the early days of the Theosophical Society. The Theosophists believed they were descendants of the Aryans, and that the Aryans had originally come from Atlantis. Atlantis and Lemuria (also called Mu) were continents in the Atlantic and Pacifc oceans that were supposedly destroyed in great catastrophes in prehistoric days and sank beneath the sea. They were said to be highly advanced civilizations, capable of many things not possible in later days.

Informazioni aggiuntive
Informazioni aggiuntive
Titolo The lost Lemuria
Sottotitolo The lost continent
Autore William Scott-Elliot
ISBN 9788869375439
Editore Edizioni Cerchio della Luna
Pagine/durata 94
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