
An eater’s guide to the city

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The first book published in Italy by the well-known American gastronomic tourism company Culinary Backstreets. Napoli è da secoli una delle capitali culturali e gastronomiche del Mediterraneo; crocevia di peregrinazioni culinarie provenienti dai quattro angoli del mondo ha raccolto le varie influenze come strati di una sfogliatella riccia. Dietro ogni piatto qui c'è un gruppo di storici produttori, chef e ristoratori testardi che mantengono viva la tradizione culinaria in un vivace centro cittadino che si trova sempre più ad affrontare un'ondata crescente di ristoranti commerciali e trappole per turisti. Culinary Backstreets celebra questi eroi in questa piccola guida, dove abbiamo raccolto le storie di trattorie, tavole calde ed osterie senza pretese dove adoriamo mangiare noi locali. Buon Appetito! Amedeo Colella, Storico del cibo e redattore di libri di Napoli

Naples has been one of the Mediterranean’s cultural and gastronomic capitals for centuries, a crossroads of culinary wanderings from the four corners of the world, collecting influences like layers in a flaky sfogliatella pastry. Royal courts brought new flavors, but our ingenuity transformed them into cornerstone recipes passed down the Neapolitan table for generations. Naples, after all, is the birthplace of pizza – something we Neapolitans are very proud of. Behind every plate here is a lineage of stubborn producers, chefs and matriarchs keeping culinary tradition alive in a vibrant city center that is increasingly facing a rising tide of commercial restaurants and tourist traps. Culinary Backstreets celebrates these unsung heroes in this little guidebook, where we’ve collected the stories of tucked-away trattorias and friggitorie in forgotten piazzas – unassuming kitchens where we locals eat. Napoli learned from the world for centuries, but now our cuisine defines Italian cooking globally. Let this book serve as your map to the heart of our city and its traditions, through the stories and flavors that have made Neapolitan food what it is today. Welcome to Naples’s Culinary Backstreets. Buon Appetito! Amedeo Colella

Informazioni aggiuntive
Informazioni aggiuntive
Titolo Naples
Sottotitolo An eater’s guide to the city
Autore Amedeo Colella, Giuseppe D’Angelo, Luciana Squadrilli - Photographers: Gianni Cipriano, Claudio Menna, Tobias Mueller, Carlo Rainone, Sara Smarrazzo and Luciana Squadrilli
ISBN 9788894570298
Editore Cultura Nova
Pagine/durata 164
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