Isis unveiled. Science

A master-key to he mysteries of ancient and modern. Vol. 2

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A sensational work published in 1877, a compendium of world culture and belief systems and surely an insightful read for anyone interested in the esoteric world of ancient and contemporary sciences. Isis Unveiled, written by the young Russian H.P.Blavatsky (founder of The Theosophical Society), explores the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. It describes the history, purpose and development of the occult sciences; the nature and origins of magic, the roots of Christianity, the errors of Christian dogmatism and the erroneous beliefs of orthodox science; it represents the summa of the doctrine of Blavatsky and guides the reader towards a form of "integral" knowledge that draws on different sources: from Christianity to the cabal, from the Pythagorean school to Buddhism, from Brahaman- ism to spiritualism. Isis Unveiled is therefore a work of universal significance that collects suggestions, information and teachings from the culture of peoples around the world, providing an invaluable contribution to truth and knowledge

Informazioni aggiuntive
Informazioni aggiuntive
Titolo Isis unveiled. Science
Sottotitolo A master-key to he mysteries of ancient and modern. Vol. 2
Autore Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
ISBN 9788869374647
Editore Edizioni Cerchio della Luna
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