Media between Citizens and Power

In lingua inglese

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In the book “Media between Citizens and Power”, edited by Andrei Grachev and Chiara Blengino, you will find the full text of the debate that took place on June 23-24 2006, during the Regional Seminar which gathered in Venice, on the Island of San Servolo. This Seminar, jointly organized by the World Political Forum and the Province of Venice, was meant to be an important contribution to the general process of construction of the emerging world civil society which needs information as it needs blood, nerves, morality and brains.
Informazioni aggiuntive
Informazioni aggiuntive
Titolo Media between Citizens and Power
Sottotitolo In lingua inglese
Autore a cura di: A. Grachev, C. Blengino
ISBN 9788861150010
Editore Chimienti
Pagine/durata 248
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