The twelve powers of man


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The Twelve Powers of Man is a metaphysical look at twelve expressions of the divine power inherent in each of us. This book explains the meaning of the mystical reference, what and where the twelve thrones at the side of jesus are, and what attainments are necessary by men before they can follow him in this phase of his regeneration. In this work Fillmore teaches that man has twelve God-given powers or faculties to aid him in his spiritual development, and that he can combine them to bring about his highest good. The faculties are, among others, faith, strength, wisdom, power and will.

Informazioni aggiuntive
Informazioni aggiuntive
Titolo The twelve powers of man
Sottotitolo //
Autore Charles Fillmore
ISBN 9788869375453
Editore Edizioni Cerchio della Luna
Pagine/durata 240
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